All of the horizontal and longitudinal researches indicate that in problem-solving situation, private speech follows the same developmental sequence consistently, that is, it gradually develops from audible external speech into un-vocalized internal speech. 各种横向和纵向研究都表明,在问题解决情境中,自言自语一贯遵循从可听见的外部言语向较为内化的、不出声的言语转化这样一个发展顺序。
The developmental sequence of floret is: primordium of palea → primordia of stamens → primordium of pistil. 其小花发育的过程是:内稃原基→雄蕊原基→雌蕊原基。
Abstract By means of a historical investigation and analysis of analogy in the Chinese language the author defines its developmental focus and sequence of ideas. 本文通过对汉语比拟式历史的考察和分析,梳理了它的发展轨迹和脉络。
The present research adopts a cross-sectional research method to investigate the shape of nominalization acquisition in university students, the developmental sequence of English nominalization, and the factors contributing to the acquisition of nominalization. 本研究采用横断法研究大学生习得名物化的规律、英语名物化发展顺序以及影响名物化习得的诸因素。
The relationships between developmental velocity, birth sequence and its biological characteristics in two species of insects 两种昆虫的发育快慢出生先后与其生物学特征的关系
Main classification elements for architecture of tropical trees include the following: developmental sequence of different parts of the trees, manners of meristem activity, manners of extension growth, and patterns of branching, etc. 树木不同部分的发育顺序、顶端分生组织的活动方式、树木的延长生长与分枝方式等是热带树木构筑型的主要分类要素。
It covers two main dimensions, one is the variation dimension, and the other is developmental sequence. 发展轴和变异轴是其模型的两条主要维度。
In China, according to the realistic situation of our country and using for reference of the developed country, the developmental mode of the plaintiff's qualification in administrative litigation should be choice the proper sequence as the precedent, the judicial interpretation, and then legislation. 我国行政诉讼原告资格制度的发展应以我国的现实国情为基础,借鉴先进国家的有益经验,选择判例先行司法解释确认制定法修改的循序渐进的路径。
Previous research showed that the developmental sequence of L2 acquisition of this linguistic feature could be predicted by the aspect hypothesis. 先前的研究表明第二语言时体习得顺序可以由情状体优先假设所预测。
Above ten indexes, which stand for the characteristics of regional developmental pattern, has been used. By the changing of the cities and regions Euclid distance on each index in time sequence, the trend of being shrink or widening in gap could be found out. 论文主要是运用十多个反映区域发展模式特色的指标,以城市与区域间在每个指标上的欧式距离在时间序列上的变化来反映到底在这个指标上它们是趋同了,还是差异扩大了。